The Vendôme Multimodal Hub Pôle by Bisson Fortin + Provencher_Roy architectesWinner of the International Architecture MasterPrize in the “Transportation” Category 2024-10-13 Project SpecsDesign:Bisson Fortin Architecture + DesignProvencher_RoyLocation: Canada Type: Architecture Materials: Metal Concrete Glass Tags: Montréal Category: Transportation Hub Transportation Infrastructure 版权️©谷德设计网,禁止以gooood编辑版本进行任何形式转载Copyright©goooodClick to contact with the designer/authorBisson Fortin Architecture + DesignCanadaProvencher_RoyCanadaRecommended Jobs Submit a JobAll Jobs »Latest Jobs Submit a JobAll Jobs » Post a Comment You need to login to post comment Social LoginPreviousHYPHEN by Giona Bierens de Haan Architectures + Leopold Banchini ArchitectsHYPHEN by Giona Bierens de Haan Architectures + Leopold Banchini ArchitectsNextOXMAN, headquartered in New York City by Foster + PartnersOXMAN, headquartered in New York City by Foster + PartnersLatestHouse in Valderøya by Svingen Arkitektkontor AS/ Wu XianHouse in Valderøya by Svingen Arkitektkontor AS/ Wu Xian Random Jobs Submit your jobAll jobs »Latest ProjectsAll Projects »