Yangbei Village CCP Elderly Day-Care Center by Studio 10

A diverse rural community hub

Spring Patio Bistro by Studio 10

Yunnan character features local culture

Pavilion of Pastel Shadows at the Shiyaling Park by Studio 10

Preserve and reinterpret the dynamic memory of light and shadow

Renovation of Key Interior Public Spaces at the Industrial Heritage of Jinpi Fang (Kingway Brewery) by Studio 10

A “minimal intervention” to an industrial heritage

TOLERANCE & INFORMALITY: Spatial design of the DESIGNNEW CORRECT INCORRECT Exhibition by Studio 10

An off-the-shelf, standardized, flexible, modular system

The Qinchang Village Town Hall, China by Studio 10

Introducing diversified businesses to drive rural revitalization

Spatial design of the exhibition Fashioned from Nature co-curated by the V&A and Design Society, China by Studio 10

“Fashion” and “Garden”

Spatial Design of “Qianhai Superposition”& “Back to Future” at the 2020 Qianhai Future Urbanism/Architecture Exhibition (Subvenue of the 8th Shenzhen-Hong Kong Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism and Architecture) by Studio 10

Interactive relationships between individual objects and the system

Longshan Cemetery, Jiaozuo, China by Studio 10

An infinite cycle of life

Renovation of the Qinchang Village CPC Branch Office Community Center, China by Studio 10

Ideology, Humanity And Nature Intertwined – An Open Cloister-style Community Center