SA&BOO Studio (仨卜) 于2018年,由Bonnie与Lisa在美国毕业后创立于纽约,后扎根成都。联合创始人Pavel本科毕业于中央美术学院,米兰理工硕士学位。SA&BOO Studio(仨卜) 自入行以来,三位四川留学生从不同国家不同城市归国后,本着同样的设计追求与理想,结合视觉传达、建筑设计、室内设计三位创始人不同的设计专业,SA&BOO Studio 是一家全案设计工作,也是这样的不同成分产生了不可思议的化学反应,自创立以来一直吸收有设计理想、创意思维的年轻人加入团队并壮大。与地方政府、国有企业、私营业主合作,完成多个乡村振兴类民宿设计、商旅酒店设计、零售商店设计、豪宅设计、文创产品开发、酒瓶包装设计、赛事视觉传达设计等。
SA&BOO Studio was founded in New York in 2018 after Bonnie and Lisa graduated from the United States, now based in Chengdu. The co-founder Pavel graduated from the Central Academy of Fine Arts with a master's degree from Politecnico di Milano. From the beginning, combined with the different design majors of the three founders , visual communication, architect design and interior design, SA&BOO Studio is a all-in-one design firm , and also such different components have produced incredible chemical reactions. Since its inception, it has always absorbed design ideals