Get-Project Case Sharing No.17: ANCHA MUSEUM FACTORY

Industrialized settlements become new landscape of nature and urban culture

YIKOU Skin Management Center, China by officePROJECT

The body container & the church of the marketplace

Get-Project Case Sharing No.11: the An-Tea musuem-factory

(Only in Chinese)Musuem-factory that combines landscape with immersion sales by office PROJECT

Publi-City – Tongzhou SINLOON Canal Creative District, China by officePROJECT

Direct poetry and dramatic city

Canal Art Museum, China by officePROJECT

A gallery without a gate

Garden as Before: Design and Construction of Wu Yueshi Art Museum, China by officePROJECT

From “Renovate the old as new” to “make the new as old”

House of Windows in Moganshan, China by officePROJECT

The relationship between man and nature is connected through the “window”

Get-Project Case Sharing No.2: ¥120,000 Design Fee, A. Mono Patisserie, Hangzhou, China

A house that grew in the mountain by office PROJECT

Yangzhou Ideen Creativity Community, China by officePROJECT

Reemergence of order and life

The Renovation of Old Train Factory To CRRC 1897 Creative Display Center, China by Office PROJECT

Exterior of meaning: representation of the intention on historic space