2024 ASLA COMMUNICATIONS AWARD OF HONOR: Connecting to Our Indigenous Histories at Machicomoco State Park by Nelson Byrd Woltz Landscape Architects

Culture and ecology are presented in the landscape

2024 ASLA GENERAL DESIGN AWARD OF HONOR: EcoCommons – Social and Ecological Resilience in the Campus Landscape by Nelson Byrd Woltz Landscape Architects

Technological innovation combined with intimacy and immersion

Contemplative Site at Monticello by HGA + Nelson Byrd Woltz Landscape Architecture

Leading people to reflect on the dark history

2021 ASLA GENERAL DESIGN AWARD OF HONOR: Duke University Water Reclamation Pond / Nelson Byrd Woltz Landscape Architects

Creating social spaces that promote engagement with the water while reducing strain on municipal systems

2020 ASLA GENERAL DESIGN AWARD OF HONOR: Naval Cemetery Landscape / Nelson Byrd Woltz Landscape Architects

An immersive site experience that provides a sense of peace, refuge and remembrance within an otherwise dense urban environment

2017 ASLA ANALYSIS AND PLANNING AWARD OF HONOR: The Olana Strategic Landscape Design Plan: Restoring an American Masterpiece by Nelson Byrd Woltz Landscape Architects

A landscape restoration battle based on the respect for its history

2016 ASLA ANALYSIS & PLANNING HONOR AWARDS: Memorial Park Master Plan 2015 by Nelson Byrd Woltz Landscape Architects

”This project took a short- and long-term point of view in a very sensitive way, looking at the past and future. “

2015 ASLA HONOR AWARD Analysis & Planning : Cornwall Park 100 Year Master Plan

Expanding the park’s capacity

2015 ASLA HONOR AWARD Analysis & Planning : A Landscape Legacy – Master Planning a Cultural Landscape for Future Generations at Overlook Farm by Nelson Byrd Woltz Landscape Architects

An exemplary working landscape

2013ASLA通用设计荣誉奖 梅德洛克艾姆斯品酒屋和亚历山峡谷酒吧 / Nelson Byrd Woltz Landscape Architects

Real, beautiful, quiet