Casamilc by Lucas y Hernández – Gil Arquitectos

Colors that activate the space

CASA A12 by Lucas y Hernández – Gil Arquitectos

A duplex house with a tropical garden of surreal character

House P82 and Genuine Shelf by Lucas y Hernández – Gil Arquitectos

Rough concrete structure contains delicate interior furnitures

Casa Villalba de los Barros by Lucas y Hernández-Gil Arquitectos

A new rural guesthouse that adapts and adds the new use and its requirements seen from a contemporary perspective

CASAPLATA, Seville, Spain by Lucas y Hernández-Gil Studio

A unique style comes from a futuristic perspective

House MD by Lucas y Hernández-Gil Arquitectos

To unify different spaces by using flexible systems with trellis and sliding doors

Bocadillo de Jamón y Champán, Spain by Lucas y Hernández-Gil Arquitectos

a space with duality between raw and refined

O25 by Lucas y Hernández-Gil Arquitectos

a pure home with interesting spacial sequence

Juana Limón, Madrid, Spain by Lucas y Hernández-Gil Arquitectos

a “hand-made” interior space

Hotel Ayllón in a Medieval Village by Lucas y Hernández – Gil Arquitectos

A simple and contemporary hotel in historic buildings, using fresh colors to create a comfortable environment.