1987年出生于浙江绍兴上虞。2012年取得南京东南大学建筑学学士学位。2013年他赴瑞士提契诺州门德里西奥建筑学院继续深造。期间师从瑞士建筑大师 Valerio Olgiati, 并取得Valerio Olgiati教席硕士学位,成为瑞士注册建筑师。他曾实践于多家中国和瑞士的著名事务所,包括北京标准营造和苏黎世Christian Kerez事务所。并广泛地开展建筑考察,所到之处包括中国大陆、日本、印度、埃及、巴西,以及包括瑞士、意大利在内的大部分欧洲大陆国家。2017年他Born in 1987 at Shaoxing City, Zhejiang Province, China. He studied architecture at Southeast University (SEU) in Nanjing, China and got bachelor degree with honor in 2012. Since 2013 he studied architecture at Accademia di Architetuura di Mendrisio (AAM.USI) in Switzerland .He got his diploma degree with Valerio Olgiati in 2017. He has already worked for several offices in China and Switzerland,including Standard Architecture Bejing and Christian Kerez Office Zurich.He travelled extensively in Europe, South America as well as the Middle and Far East. Since 2017, he opend his own office in Shanghai. Now he has different kinds of projects around China.