Architect Veeram Shah's journey into the realm of art and architecture wasshaped by the guidance of Ar. Girish Doshi, a torchbearer ofthe modernistlegacy left by the eminent Ar. B.V Doshi. Veeram's perspective onarchitecture in today's corporate-dominated landscape is refreshinglydifferent. He advocates for a concise and intimate ofice environment wherediscussions and interactions hold a profound value, irrespective of theproject's size.
Veeram Shah views design as a mosaic of collective experiences andobservations, drawn from the ordinary to the extraordinary. His influencesare diverse, transcending boundaries, encompassing fgures like GandhiRaza, Kumar Gandharva, as well as modernist luminaries like Le Corbusierand Scarpa. Over the past seven years, he has been at the helm of Design niDukaan, overseeing a spectrum of projects spanning architecture, interiordesign, and furniture.