SinnerSchrader Studio Prague by Kurz architectsCalmness, clarity, strength and transparency 2018-10-29 Project SpecsDesign:Kurz architectsLocation: Czech Type: Architecture Materials: Wood Metal Metal panel Zinc Panels Steel Polycarbonate Tags: Interior Design Prague Category: Co-Working Space Office Commercial Architecture 版权️©谷德设计网,禁止以gooood编辑版本进行任何形式转载Copyright©goooodClick to contact with the designer/authorKurz architectsCzechRecommended Jobs Submit a JobAll Jobs »Latest Jobs Submit a JobAll Jobs » Post a Comment You need to login to post comment Social LoginPreviousHouse for an Art Collector by Think ArchitectureHouse for an Art Collector by Think ArchitectureNextFive Patio Houses by Think ArchitectureFive Patio Houses by Think ArchitectureLatestAI课程|AIGC(人工智能)室内设计控制性复杂方案生成课AI课程|AIGC(人工智能)室内设计控制性复杂方案生成课 Random Jobs Submit your jobAll jobs »Latest ProjectsAll Projects »