Kanda Terrace by Akira Koyama + KEY OPERATION INC. / ARCHITECTSA dynamic facade forms a unique experience of dinging. 2018-02-28 Project SpecsDesign:KEY OPERATION INC. / ARCHITECTSLocation: Japan Type: Architecture Materials: Steel Glass Tags: Tokyo Category: Hospitality Restaurant high-rise 版权️©谷德设计网gooood.cn,禁止以gooood编辑版本进行任何形式转载Copyright©goooodClick to contact with the designer/authorKEY OPERATION INC. / ARCHITECTSJapanRecommended Jobs Submit a JobAll Jobs »Latest Jobs Submit a JobAll Jobs » Post a Comment You need to login to post comment Social LoginPreviousInternational Design Competition of Koratel Design HotelInternational Design Competition of Koratel Design HotelNext2017 ASLA RESIDENTIAL DESIGN HONOR AWARD: Casa Las Brisas - Formation of a Coastal Retreat by C. Stuart Moore Design2017 ASLA RESIDENTIAL DESIGN HONOR AWARD: Casa Las Brisas - Formation of a Coastal Retreat by C. Stuart Moore DesignLatestOFFICE FACT NO.46 - YEASOFFICE FACT NO.46 - YEAS Random Jobs Submit your jobAll jobs »Latest ProjectsAll Projects »