AM2 Andreas Murkudis store, Berlin by Gonzalez Haase AASThe store – more or less transcends the borders between architecture, scenography and visual art. 2017-01-23 Project SpecsDesign:GONZALEZ — HAASE / AASLocation: Germany Type: Architecture Tags: Interior Design Berlin Category: Commercial Architecture Store Fashion Store 版权️©谷德设计网,禁止以gooood编辑版本进行任何形式转载Copyright©goooodClick to contact with the designer/authorGONZALEZ — HAASE / AASGermanyRecommended Jobs Submit a JobAll Jobs »Latest Jobs Submit a JobAll Jobs » Post a Comment You need to login to post comment Social LoginPreviousFive Terraces and a Garden, Portugal by Corpo AtelierFive Terraces and a Garden, Portugal by Corpo AtelierNext2016 ASLA GENERAL DESIGN HONOR AWARDS: Grand Teton National Park Craig Thomas Discovery and Visitor Center by Swift Company llc2016 ASLA GENERAL DESIGN HONOR AWARDS: Grand Teton National Park Craig Thomas Discovery and Visitor Center by Swift Company llcLatestAI课程|AIGC(人工智能)室内设计控制性复杂方案生成课AI课程|AIGC(人工智能)室内设计控制性复杂方案生成课 Random Jobs Submit your jobAll jobs »Latest ProjectsAll Projects »